Hard Times


Dear Friends,
We may be in for some tough times. These words have been on the lips of many of my acquaintances and friends.

No kidding, I reply. Tough times, including economic hardship, social unrest, ill-health and dis-ease, and environmental disaster. These four rolling storms are building momentum in our living spaces, and except for a few people who happen to be sitting in the eyes of these storms, we will all feel the winds that blow.

How can we prepare for hard times? We cannot, necessarily be completely prepared, because as these four storms gather speed, there are many impacts out of our control. This lack of control can make us uneasy; however, often we feel better if we address our fears, head on. We can take some time to list our fears, as well as list our strengths, resources and ideas. We can ask ourself some critical questions about what is in our control. Here are some of the questions that I am mulling over:

1) Economic hardship:
- What are my support systems in hard financial times? (Who can I move in with, what kinds of income might I access, what are my most basic needs, who am I responsible to and for, and what kinds of resources do I have?)
- What are some imaginative ways I can care for my household’s basic needs? (Subsistence practices? New family business opportunities? Sharing with neighbors of rides, vehicles, phone plans, household and kitchen equipment, toys, parties, clothes and garden spaces? Public assistance possibilities? Do it yourself projects for stronger sustainability? )
- How can I change my attitudes to be brave and happy in poverty?

2) Social unrest:
- How can I express my social feelings and beliefs in safe and fulfilling ways?
- How can I stay away from trouble I don’t want? And how can I stay out of issues in which I don’t want or can’t become involved?
- How can I train my kids to do the same?
- How can I focus my efforts toward positive change without succumbing to despair or frustration?
- How can I provide leadership toward human connection in my tiny communities of friends and in my neighborhood?
- Where can I find social rest to balance all the heightened emotional spaces?
- And how can I find solace/company for my mistrust in my government? Where do I find and cultivate trust?

3) Ill-health and dis-ease:
- How can I up my game with my daily/weekly health and wellness practices, without spending any more money? (What’s one more step I am ready, prepared and willing to take?)
- What do I believe creates health?
- How can I sustainably act with sober caution without being run around the nose by exaggerated or unnecessary fears?
- How can I eat more mindfully?
- How can I build exercise or more healthy activities into my regular daily life?
- How can I find access to medical providers I fully trust?
- How can I find the free health/wellness support I feel I need? (Peer support, education support, family support, professional support)

4) Environmental Disaster:
- What is a likely disaster to impact me?
- What can I do to mitigate or protect myself from this possibility? (Can I create a plan? How and where can I learn about the best planning steps, for free?)
- Can I take one step in my plan this year?
- What do I believe is the best place to put my energy toward helping my neighbors/community through a possible disaster?
- Who in my neighborhood/community can I ask for assistance in my plan?
- How can I address my grief/fear/rage about possible planetary distress causing these environmental disasters?

I hope to find some time to mull over all these questions, and maybe write down the answers, just for me. Sometimes finding the relevant questions are more important than finding the right answers. I have growing faith in our inner strengths, as people.

We are all learning to care for ourselves, even through hard times! It's not easy, but it is possible, and even probable.
And here is a song about it.

IN solidarity,
Eliza Eller

