Behavioral Health Peer Support trainings, naturally
MUSKEG Wellness sends our Peer Trainers around Alaska giving holistic, Alaska State approved trainings which support people in recovery from trauma, addiction and emotional storms. Participants learn use their valuable life experience to become inspired professionals in a more well rounded, effective behavioral health system. If you are interested in partnering with us to bring one of our trainings to your town, or you want to attend a training, please get in touch!
Here is what we currently offer:
Natural Peer Support
This is a 38 hour Alaska State approved training for Peer Support Certification. Explore the recovery principles and practices of hope, mutuality, “being with”, and strengths-based language. Study the history and leaders of the Peer Support movement as well as alternate views on madness and addiction. Practice co-counseling, telling your recovery story, and role-playing. Learn Peer Support as a discipline with unique skills, and best practices in alignment with SAMHSA’s Peer Support Core Competencies.
This is a highly interactive training, designed for people who have personal experience with recovery from emotional storms, trauma and addiction, or family members. It is an opportunity to study new skills, share our life experiences and join the world-wide peer empowerment movement.
‣ in person, hands-on, immersive learning
‣ held in your city or town, with a customized schedule over 1-2 weeks
‣ for 10-25 participants, bring your life experience
‣ for Alaska Peer Support Certification, CEUs available.
Scheduled in Anchorage on November 7-11, 2024.
CONTACT us to enroll!
Traditional Path for Indigenous Wellness through Peer Support
This 50 hour live training brings together two great traditions: Alaska’s Tribal Traditional Healers, and the discipline known as Peer Support. This training is for Alaska State Traditional Peer Support Associate certification. This path leads away from the traumas of colonization, and opens up towards the strengths of Alaska’s indigenous cultural roots. We build upon the idea that the culture IS the medicine. We learn tribal healing modalities and study cultural values; challenge each other to grow beyond historical trauma, current limiting beliefs or harmful circumstances, and build healthy community-based lives.
This is a highly interactive training, designed for tribal people who have personal experience with recovery from emotional storms, trauma and addiction, or family members.
‣ in person, hands-on, immersive learning
‣ held in your city or town, with a customized schedule
‣ 7 days for 10-25 participants, bring your life experience
‣ approved for Alaska Traditional Peer Support Certification, CEUs available
Scheduled for Anchorage at the Alaska Native Heritage Center in February of 2025.
Inquire for more information or to enroll.
YES (youth emotional self-care)
YES includes tools for younger humans to effectively work with their own inner anxiety, depression, feelings of self-loathing and self-harm, and rage; plus build more inner joy and compassion:
This is a 10 hour workshop for ages 13-18
CONTACT us for more information!
Youthful Peer Support
Peer Support is a discipline with unique skills. Young humans are innately strong in the area of support, yet they need guidance to stay safe, stay well, and not burn out. This is a 20 hour introduction to the basics of peer support, wherein young people can learn to transform past experiences into healing for themselves and others. How can they inspire and empower each other? Young participants will learn how to walk beside a peer when they are in trouble, and keep everyone safe. They will practice cocounseling; how to hold a support circle; and how to start a self-discovery club. We will include plenty of interactive exercises, story telling and games.
‣ held in your city or town, with a customized schedule
‣ for 10-25 participants, ages 14 up, bring your life experience
CONTACT us for more information!
WHAM (Whole Health Action Management)
This is a peer-to-peer program (developed by the National Council's SAMHSA-HRSA Center for Integrated Health Solutions) to promote whole health and wellness self-care. We will bring this to participants over a 10 week period, beginning over a weekend and continuing once per week, via zoom or in-person. Participants will partner with each other to identify strengths, develop weekly action plans, and work together using positive reinforcement to meet one personal whole health goal, in one of ten life domains. Rather than struggle alone, we all collaborate and support others’ efforts. Each student will get a workbook of their own. WHAM is easy to use and implement and young people, especially, have done very well in our prior classes.
For 10-20 students, ages 15 up to adults
Scheduled for Kasilof in January- April of 2025.
Scheduled ONLINE every season.
CONTACT us to enroll.
Essential Peer Support Supervision
Many behavioral health clinicians and providers around Alaska will find themselves newly supervising certified Peer Support Specialists now. In this 8 hour training, learn how Peer Supports can augment treatment teams, and help to achieve positive outcomes for your clients. Learn how to effectively support your Peer Staff, how to keep everyone safe, and what the worldwide standards are for Peer Support Services.
‣ via zoom - hands-on, immersive learning
‣ CEUs available
CONTACT us for more information!