Civilization as we know it
Election Day, once again
One of my teachers, Michio Kushi, famously stated: Civilization is the disease, cancer is the cure. When I first heard this, at age 15, I asked Michio, what do you mean, how could this be? And he answered me in his quizzical way, it is only through facing our sickness that we can heal the conditions that made us sick.
Could it be that our current societies, which sit upon somewhat unsustainable foundation stones of unbridled financial growth, institutionalized systems of oppression, and deliberate over-riding of the simplest laws of nature, are making us sick? Perhaps COVID19 is the cure. Certainly, it is a messenger of sorts. Yes, many of us would like to shoot this messenger, yet, it will not be shot - it instead spreads, like a warning bell, clear and loud over the land.
What can we do with such large and philosophical preponderances? I like to shake my head, get down to earth, get real, be practical: if I am on a ship in danger of capsizing, I want to spend every minute being present, in my life. I want to cling to those I love, gather with those I can, keep my eyes on the goal - surviving and thriving - gather my courage and take steps forward toward safety and freedom. I want to be present with all the little things that make life worth it, while keeping my eyes on our birthright of a long, healthy abundant life.
This songis all about being present, and enjoying our life.
Stay calm, stay real, stay true to what is most important, inside, and don't worry about reacting to "the other".
Now go vote!
Eliza Eller