

Dear Friends, Winter has arrived, and with it, the desire to self reflect. Winter is my favorite season for sitting still regularly, in front of the fire, letting my thoughts wander. It’s rare that I give myself this gift of non-productive time, yet snowy mornings and evenings seem to bring with them this yearning just to be.

In these extended days of the pandemic, it is my fervent hope that everyone has been able to use at least a little of this time to reflect on your life, to consider what you want, at the deepest parts of yourself. It can be powerful to write down or say aloud what we really, truly want. Sometimes, simply saying it is the first step towards manifesting it.

In these deep dark days of December, part of us is in deep sleep, in deep healing, in deep cleaning in preparation for the stirring of Spring. Be mindful of your need for sleep; for rest; for doing nothing; and for dreaming. Let us all dream. It’s a good time to write letters - to our families, to our ancestors, to our country, to future generations, to our mother planet and to our gods.

I wish you all health and abundance, for the holidays. I wish for all of us a kinder, gentler, society; more plentiful and nurturing food; and good solid company, as we round the corner of darkness and back toward the light.

In solidarity, Eliza Eller


Welcome in the new crazy year


The two Americas